Guides Blend Wildlife Attractants are known for their enhanced attraction capabilities once a little moisture hits them. Hundreds of tests have proven that once the attractant gets wet on the ground more wildlife tend to visit the bait sites versus dry weather. That is due to a no caking formula that allows Guides Blend to soak into the soil and dry back out in the open air.
One of the big questions we were asked for the first 2 years of this Journey was "can I put it in my feeder"? In short, the answer is NO. Guides Blend 5lb bag attractants are made to put out on the ground and soak into the soil for a longer lasting attractant. After much consideration to the demand of having an attractant in a feeder, we are pleased to introduce to you FEEDER SHOTS! This guaranteed no cake, no gunk, no mold grain coat is designed to mix in with your corn, cottonseed, soybeans, protein pellets, or any other grain you are trying to feed. Trying to start deer on soybeans or cottonseed? no problem with feeder shots. We get it deer like corn, well if you feed corn and your neighbor is feeding corn it is a coin flip where the deer will go. Creating the advantage and getting deer locked onto the best feed is the name of the game. One 12 oz. feeder shot will treat between 400-600lbs of grain. 600lbs of attractant for $15.99 is unheard of, until now.
Key benefits-
Jump starting deer onto high protein grains, pellets, or other formulas that are not desirable to their tastebuds. It's something different than what all the neighbors are feeding. An unreal aroma that travels through the air every time your feeder goes off. (Often times attractants aren't fed because the property is to far to keep putting it out.) The wind carries this scent a long way. It tastes way better to the deer. Once you lock in the desired flavor to the deer in your area they will absolutely lock down and stay in the area for more.
If you are wondering what flavor to buy, we recommend putting out some corn coated in Roady shots in front of trail cameras to determine which is preferred by the deer in your area. Tests have shown deer prefer Cherry feeder shots 648% more over other products and regular corn however it certainly varies by region and property.